The Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre Ltd., operating as Connecting Community Services, is a community based Not for Profit Organisation working in co-operation with the Dubbo Regional Council, along with State and Federal Government agencies. Our role is to provide a variety of community services that assist families, children, youth and older people to achieve their own well-being and enhance the quality of life of disadvantaged groups in the community.
Since it’s inception in 1974, the Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre (DNC) has been managed by a community Management committee Board, and the work and dedication of community representatives and staff over the years has developed the centre into what it is today.

Outside of School Care
Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre Ltd. operates Before and After School and Vacation Care services for school age children, Kindergarten to year 6. Children are provided with a range of enjoyable activities to choose from in a fun and friendly environment.
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We can help you stay independent at home and connect you to services and people. We offer a range of services including home modifications, home & garden maintenance, individual support services, information, referrals and community social activities.
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Our Youth and Family Services program provides mentoring, referral and support services for young people aged between 12 and 17 years of age and their family. We run a Youth Drop-in Centre open Wednesday evenings including safe transport home, and operate the Winanggaay re-engagement program for children who have been suspended from school.
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Community Services
Our Community Centre provides a contact point to connect people with information, services and their community. We provide information and referral services, room hire, community access to computers, and information and social events.
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Join Us
Dubbo Neighbourhood Centre Ltd., trading as Connecting Community Services is a community based not-for-profit owned and ran by our members. Learn more to see how you can get involved be becoming a member, volunteering or employment opportunities to connect with and care for our community.
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Family & Counselling
We connect people with services, programs and information to support both individual and family needs. Our services include Domestic & family violence counselling, Women’s safety coordination, Men’s Aboriginal family wellbeing & violence prevention, and Migrant support & settlement services.
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